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What is Dormant Oil Spray? When is it Time To Apply It ?
What is Dormant Oil Spray? When is it Time To Apply It ?
This year, get a jump start on yearly insects such as scale, borers, and mites with a dormant oil treatment.
If you’ve had problems with insect attacks on your trees or bushes this past year, here is a good way to start off the season.
Dormant Oil Is An Eco-Friendly Oil
The dormant oil spray is a highly refined mineral oil. This treatment is non-toxic to humans and pets which will mean there is no wait time for getting back out on your lawn. This spray treatment for trees and shrubs works by drowning out or suffocating any over-wintering larva that are anxiously awaiting to feed on your new tree and shrub leaves.
When to Spray Dormant Oil
To begin spraying, the weather must be above freezing. Dormant oil should be applied in late March or throughout the month of March to April. This treatment can be sprayed on to all trees and bushes that are not considered blue, such as Spruce or Juniper trees. The only exception to this rule is Pine trees.
How to Protect Your Lawn, Trees and Shrubs
With a combination of dormant oil, monthly insect treatment sprays and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The insect sprays will keep add a protective force field around your home to prevents bugs from ever finding their way in.
Call us to help protect your trees and shrubs from the insect eggs that are laying around the Trees and Shrubs and prevent any Early Spring Damage from forming.
Call Today!
Suffolk (631) 862-5281
Nassau (516) 252-3588