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What Happens to Mosquitoes on Long Island in the Winter?

What Happens to Mosquitoes on Long Island in the Winter?

What Happens to Mosquitoes During the Winter?

When the weather cools down, mosquitoes don’t just magically disappear. So, where do mosquitoes go in the winter? Many people want to know where mosquitoes fly off to in the rain or snow, if they hibernate, what temperature kills mosquitoes, plus other facts related to mosquito localities and a drop in the thermostat.

Mosquito Cold Weather FAQ

◾️What temperature kills mosquitoes?

Many mosquitoes will die off when the thermostat drops below 50° Fahrenheit. Even so, other types of mosquitoes will only go dormant or reduce their activity come colder weather.

◾️ Do mosquitoes hibernate?

While freezing temperatures can kill adult mosquitoes, it’s a common misconception that they all die in the winter. When the temperatures fall, some mosquitoes hibernate during the winter months, similar to hibernating mammals, like bears.

◾️ Do both female and male mosquitoes hibernate?

Only the females hibernate. Male mosquitoes have short lifespans and die after mating, which means they don’t usually make it to winter. Females mosquitoes, however, can hibernate for up to six months.

◾️ What happens to mosquito eggs during the winter?

Mosquitoes will lay their eggs in the fall, either before dying or hibernating during the winter. Females can lay up to 300 eggs in damp locales. These spots include standing water, plants, moist soil and containers holding as little as a half-inch of water. In other words, these winged pests have plenty of spots to choose from for future offspring (eggs). When the weather warms up again — and with a bit of rain — the eggs that survived the winter will hatch. New mosquitoes will then start their lifecycle.

◾️How to stop mosquitoes before they hatch

There are a few steps you can take to deal with mosquitoes before they even hatch. Since mosquitoes lay eggs in moist areas and containers that hold water, check damp areas outside your home for eggs. Places to look include flowerpots, birdbaths, old trash cans, buckets left outdoors, etc. Clean up these areas before warmer weather arrives. By removing wet spots and water-holding receptacles from your property, you can cut down on the number of mosquitoes that will hatch in the spring and summer.