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The List of the Species of Ticks on Long Island
There are several species of ticks that are common to the area. The following is a list of these species and behaviors specific to them.
American Dog Tick:
- The American dog tick, also known as the wood tick, has a flat, wide, and oval-shaped body with eight legs when in the adult stage. Female ticks are larger than males. These ticks become bloated and round after feeding on blood. They are reddish-brown with grey or silver patterns on their bodies.
- This tick prefers to feed on dogs, hence the name. However, other animals, including livestock, are also susceptible to this tick as well as humans.
- The American Dog Tick is known to transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Brown Dog Tick:
- The brown dog tick is similar to the American dog tick in many ways, such as size, shape, preference for dogs, and the transmission of Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
- Reddish-brown in color.
Lone Star Tick:
- Reddish-brown color.
- Females have one white spot on their backs while males have multiple white spots.
- Preferred hosts include deer, dogs, and people.
- Unlike the American and brown dog ticks, the Lone Star tick is more aggressive and bites humans.
- They are known to transmit heartland virus disease, ehrlichiosis, and STARI (Southern tick-associated rash illness)
Black-legged Tick:
- Also known as the deer tick.
- Orange-brown with eight dark legs and flat oval bodies.
- They hide in grass and vegetation.
- Feed on small mammals as well as large mammals.
- Most known for transmitting Lyme disease.
Identifying A Tick Bite
Unlike other insect, tick bites are painless, which means you may not realize you’ve been bitten. You may find the tick still attached to you, which can be the best-case scenario for diagnosing a transmitted disease. It is important to note that not every tick bite will result in the transmitting of a disease. However, the following is a list of signs to look for:
- A red and irritated area of skin
- Itching
- Fever
- A bulls-eye rash is distinct to Lyme disease
It is never a bad idea to seek medical attention if you believe you have been bitten by a tick. It is especially important to seek medical attention if you notice or experience any of the signs above.
If you have identified any of these ticks on you or your family contact us by phone for a free property evaluation:
Suffolk (631) 862-5281
Nassau (516) 252-3588