Spotlights are also known as accent lighting, the sole purpose of this type lighting is to highlight particular items hidden in your garden or other dark areas of your property. This lighting technique is meant to draw attention to special landscape focal points like water features, sculptures, flags, and other architectural hardscapes.

Free Lighting Design Consultation

We offer a free design consultation to our clients. We will first listen to your ideas of what you would like in your lighting portrait. We will ask:

  • What are your main vantage points? (Where do you see the yard from?)
  • Are there certain paths or steps you would like to navigate at night?
  • What elements are most important to you in your landscape?

We will discuss the perspectives from which you see the yard and how you use the space. We will discuss various landscape lighting design concepts.

We should have a brief discussion about your budget.

We will then take panoramic photos and use these, in conjunction with our notes from our conversations to create a design that will best meet your needs. Depending on the size and scope of your project, design times can vary

We will provide you with a detailed proposal covering the specific areas illuminated and equipment included with a specific price. I’ll also bring my spreadsheet so we can use it together to fine tune the proposal to best meet your needs.

Contact Alternative Earthcare Landscape Lighting at:
Suffolk Office: (631) 862-5281
Nassau Office: (516) 252-3588