• Best (CHO) Macro and Micro Nutrient Fertilizers Used
  • Least Toxic and Organic Programs Available
  • Field Technicians Compensated for results not revenue volume
  • Written Guaranteed Results
  • Fertilizers custom blended for Long Island soils
  • Various Fertilizer formulations for best seasonal results
  • We all full service irrigation services as well

Our Last but Not Least Fertilizer and Iron Application and Evaluation

The last but not least of our lawn care program applications is out fertilizer with iron visit. We apply a heavy application of premium granular urea coated time released fertilizer PLUS iron that will help the root system strengthen, grow deep and expand in order to sustain the winter weather and come back stronger than ever in the spring. A vast ,deep root system is also much more drought tolerant. Iron acts as a great greening mechanism in addition to being a great soil amendment.

Our technician will spend some real quality time on your lawn checking and inspecting every square foot to make note of any crabgrass scars or telltale insect damage, compaction areas that might require aeration and seeding and any other anomaly or concern he sees as something that needs extra care in the spring.

Our tech is instructed to pay very close attention to detail and find everything he can about your lawn to set  us up to know exactly what we need to do to get your lawn off to the best possible start. The written evaluation is really what sets our lawn care service apart and allowing us as to set the tone  for following years on fertilizing your lawn properly.

Why Do We Use Iron with Our Fertilizers on Your Lawn?

Since you are already using our service and assuming that your grass is still nice and green as part of our fall program we add a nice dose of iron in order to achieve a much richer, deeper green-blue color. This application will really put you head and shoulders above most of the other lawns in your neighborhood. As a matter of fact, it’s the iron that makes Kentucky Blue Grass that nice blue color!

Our nitrogen based fertilizer does feed the lawn and give it a nice deep green color, however it also encourages the lawn plant to grow. When a plant grows it uses most of its energy to grow the blade and leave the root system alone. Growing grass in the fall means you need to keep cutting and you don’t need the lawn to grow in the late fall. Iron can also can be used to adjust and correct some soil deficiencies as well as being considered a realistic organic alternative to applying a heavy application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer. If your lawn looks dull and bleached out, there is a good chance an iron application will help restore it.

What Type of Iron is Good for the Lawn?

Iron comes in both liquid and granular. In most cases we will apply the granular type because the liquid is very tough to apply evenly. There are also many quality organic types of iron available. We normally use a chelated iron which is a process the iron goes through to make it easy to apply, and it last longer.

As a further note on chelated iron, is that it has been chemically bonded in order to make the iron easily and readily available for grass plants to absorb. Because minerals such as iron are not so easily absorbed by plants, and can be bound up in very high pH soil types, we use a chelated iron product that will get more of the iron into the grass plants vascular system quicker for much better results.

Our go to iron additive is Milorganite. Milorganite is a 100% organic very slow release great source of chelated iron. Milorganite also contains slow release nitrogen that will work in conjunction with the iron. We have these products specially manufactured for us by our suppliers.

Other companies use an all-purpose fertilizer that will have a small amount of iron included in their blend. The lawn care products company Scott’s, makes a fertilizer blend with only 2% iron, for example. The biggest problem with all of these all-purpose products is that they will include way too much faster releasing nitrogen that will end up causing much unnecessary fall growth in your lawn. This tends to reek havoc with the landscapers who now have to do extra cuts to the lawn.

Our Good Practices vs Competitors

Many iron products used by competitors will stain your driveway ( think about the rusty color of iron), brickwork, patio and deck with that rusty orange stain! Once you get iron on something like your deck or patio there is no avoiding the staining. All it takes is one small iron pellet and these area gets wet or it rains, it’s immediately stained. What is nice about our service is we use Milorganite, which does not stain and is equally as effective. Why put ourselves and your property in harms way right?

Another important point is the amount you use is crucial to the color of the turf. If you use or apply too much iron this will turn the lawn a very dark ugly grey color. This is also why we use Milorganite, it prevents this possibility because it is a very slow release product.

When We Add Iron to The Lawn

We do the iron and fertilizer application in the mid to late summer. Ideally, temperatures will be between 55 and 65 degrees. Unlike some others we NEVER apply our iron when the temperatures are in the mid 80s or higher as this can cause big time stress to your lawn.










