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Ants and why You Need Pest Control on your Property !!!

Ants and why You Need Pest Control on your Property


Ants are very little creatures but they can be incredibly annoying. They have the uncanny ability to get into just about any kind of home. The fact that they are little and seem harmless for the most part does not mean that you should not be concerned about their presence in your home.

Here are some facts about ants that you should know:

They operate in large groups

Ants move in groups consisting of thousands of them. They also work as a team, so you’ll often see them form a line heading straight for a bowl of food left somewhere. You’ll have a difficult time counting just how many there are, even if you have the time.

The Argentine ant is native to Northern Argentina and it is a globally distributed invasive pest in urban, natural, and agricultural habitats. Due to unusually low levels of intraspecific aggression the Argentine ant can establish extremely large colonies. This contributes to its status as a nuisance pest in homes and its ability to spread rapidly. Other negative effects of this invader include facilitation of plant feeding pest insects (e.g., honeydew producing insects) and disruption of native ants, pollinators, and even vertebrates. The Argentine ant was first recorded in California in 1907 and since then has become widely distributed in coastal and southern portions of the state.

Because they are social insects, ants move in big groups, or colonies, and do not travel alone. In the unlikely event that you have only seen one ant, don’t assume that you don’t have an ant problem. It’s possible that it is surveying the region before the colony settles there.

They are very organized

Ants are known to live in a colony with one or two queens. The queen is responsible for laying eggs. Ants have a highly structured and evolved social system that includes queens, males, and workers.

At certain times of the year a queen will lay eggs that hatch into new queens and males. When a queen is born, she has wings and flies out of the nest to mate. The males have wings at this time, too, and the queen and a male mate in the air. The males fall to the ground and die soon after or become food for birds or other insects. The queen will find a good place to burrow in and make a safe nest. Her wings fall off. She never has to mate again. Soon she begins to lay eggs. Soon they hatch into larvae, which the queen feeds with her saliva.

The larvae eventually spin a cocoon; this is the pupa stage. After a few weeks, the new ants emerge. The queen can now retire and just lay eggs.

The fact that most ants live in colonies makes it easier to notice their presence. Unfortunately, it also means that they can create significant damage due to their sheer number.

They can threaten your home’s safety

Some ants species can pose a threat to your home’s structure and the general safety of the people living there.  One reason for this is that they are attracted to wood, especially moist wood, as it promotes the growth and development of eggs.


Carpenter ants are not harmful to humans and pets as they usually don’t bite. In rare cases, the bite may result in a burning sensation that resides for a few minutes.

Carpenter ants can be dangerous to your home structure. These ants excavate wooded areas of properties and make them hollow. This results in a weak foundation of the structure. Repairing these areas is also very expensive.

Carpenter ants mainly enter homes in search of food. They move throughout your kitchen, attic, and pantry areas, resulting in food contamination.

Carpenter ants may not pose a danger to human beings as they do not usually bite, but an infestation can be a great nuisance.