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Ticks are not a myth, they exist and they are very real and here is why !

Tick Control: It’s Not a Myth!



Myth #1: A tick can be suffocated.


If you discover that a tick has bitten and attached itself to you, almost anyone you meet will have an idea about how to get rid of the bug. How useful are those recommendations? Many people believe that smothering a tick with Vaseline, dousing it with olive oil, or even painting over it with nail polish will suffocate it. If the tick is unable to breathe, it will open its mouth and detach from the host.


In fact, this is not the most efficient method of tick removal. As a tick senses that its air flow is being obstructed, it secretes more saliva, increasing the host’s risk of contracting a tick-borne disease. Instead of these antiquated methods, simply extract the tick with tweezers, attaching the tweezers to the tick as close to the host’s skin as possible.


Ticks leap or fall out of trees onto human hosts, according to Myth #2.


Many people stop walking under trees during the summer months in order to avoid being bitten by a tick. Being high in a tree, on the other hand, is unlikely to be a good place for a tick to wait for a host. Ticks usually seek out grass blades or low shrubbery. Questing entails holding on to the plant with their bottom legs and holding their arms outstretched, waiting to bind to a host that comes near enough. Ticks prefer to remain close to the ground since the majority of tick hosts are rodents and small animals. They try to get to the point where they can most likely bind to a host. As a result, there is no need to look up to the sky for dropping ticks. Instead, focus on where you’re walking!


Myth #3: Ticks are dormant throughout the winter.


During the warmer months, people are more conscious of the existence of ticks. Ticks are more aggressive in the warmer months, but they are alive and able to cling to a host all year. Ticks can survive in temperatures as low as ten degrees Fahrenheit. Ticks might be more dormant and have a more difficult time attaching in the winter, but the possibility exists – particularly if you’re having an unusually warm winter. The continuation of climate change can warm up the winter weather in your region, so keep an eye out for active ticks.


Myth #4: Nymph (baby) ticks cannot bite.


Nymphs are immature ticks in their second stage of development, following larvae. These easily overlooked animals, ranging in size from 1 to 1.5mm, appear…too small to cause any damage. People have asked if they are capable of biting a human host. Yes, it is true! Nymphs can bind to a host in the same way that mature ticks do, and they can spread the same diseases. In contrast to a tick, a nymph may be the more dangerous of the two. Because of their small size, nymphs are more difficult to spot, allowing them to stick to hosts and hold on for longer periods of time before being detected. The longer a nymph or tick remains attached to a host, the more likely disease transmission occurs. It is important that your tick-checking procedure is rigorous enough to detect a nymph!


Myth #5: Burning a tick causes it to unlatch from its host.


Have you ever heard of a lit match or lighter being placed near a tick to allow it to detach from its host? You are most likely not alone. This is a commonly held belief about tick regulation. However, burning a tick may be one of the most ineffective ways to defend yourself from tick-borne diseases. Feeling a source of heat can irritate the tick, causing it to produce more saliva or regurgitate its stomach contents into the host’s body. In any case, the host’s chances of contracting a tick-borne disease have now increased. Furthermore, fire or flame will not cause a tick to detach from a host. A host can discover that a dead tick is still firmly attached to them and must find another way to remove it. Finally, burning a tick can have an unintended consequence! During the process of attempting tick removal by fire, hosts can burn themselves. Instead, use a pair of tweezers to remove a tick.