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Simple Ways to Keep Your Lawn Healthy in the Spring

Simple Ways to Keep Your Lawn Healthy in the Spring













Speak with an expert of a lawn care company to determine the perfect fertilizer to use on your specific lawn. Fertilizing is an important step.


Talk with a sprinkler company in your area to find out the recommended amount. It is easy to over-water during the winter if you keep your automated sprinkler system at the same schedule. Make sure your sprinkler system is altered for the correct amount of watering needed. The standard is one inch of water per week during this time.


Numerous types of weeds thrive during the winter months so you still need to apply weed control.


Let your lawn breathe. Remove the leaves and other organic debris on your lawn. If you leave the leaves, fallen tree branches etc., it may lead to bacteria and disease, and can suffocate your grass.


Depending on the type of lawn you have, it is best to either aerate in the fall or winter time. Tall fescue lawn is best in the winter since it still is rooting during the fall.